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THIMUN (The Hague International Model United Nations) and

HMUN (Harvard Model United Nations) Format

Note: The names of the chairs and co-chairs, along with the research reports, will be updated soon.


Disarmament and Security Council

  1. Regulating the use of private military contractors

  2. The question of prohibiting the use of lethal autonomous weapon systems



Chair: Mr Daniel Tham Jim Ren

Deputy Chair: Mr Darren Lim Jun Ye

United Nations Human Rights Council

  1. Combating repression of ethnic minority groups

  2. The question of cultural, religious and moral rights of citizens



Chair: Ms. Lim Xin Yi

Deputy Chair: Mr. Chong Zheng Wei

United Nations Security Council

  1. Defusing tension and preventing conflict in Indian-administered Kashmir

  2. Prevention the resurgence and reconstitution of ISIS



Chair: Mr LIim Ke Wen

Deputy Chair: Mr Russell Ooi


World Health Organization

  1. The threat and recovery of global COVID-19 pandemic

  2. Addressing the issue of regulation and distribution of experimental COVID-19 vaccine 



Chair: Mr Leong Qi Zhong

Deputy Chair: Mr Ng Qin Kai




Councils: Team Members
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